A Whole New World
Back in February, you know before everything shut down, back when life was normal. I went to South Carolina to visit my daughter and son-in-law. We had a lovely visit and as a special gift to me they took me to the local Childrens Theatre’s production of Aladdin. It was wonderful to see all those talented kids singing and dancing their way through this musical. It has, however, left me with a very insistent ear worm. I have been singing “A Whole New World” for over 2 months.
It got me to thinking, when we emerge from this pandemic what will our world be like? Will we have learned the lessons of our time at home? Or will we be so eager to jump back into our busy schedules that very little will have been gained? I hope not. I hope the lessons of simplicity stick. The lessons of being with our family, of eating at home, of being creative, of using technology to connect at deeper levels. I hope we will remember the value of slowing down, of unstructured time, of setting goals on projects and getting them accomplished.
One of the greatest disappointments for me through this has been the continued polarization of our social dialogue. In the middle of the single largest event in our lifetimes many of us are still choosing to focus on what we disagree on and rather than what we have in common. That saddens me.
Stand with me in choosing not to focus on the negative. Choose with me to focus on the positive instead. There are stories everyday about people who are trying to make a difference. Who are using their creativity to impact others. Whether it is a local teenager who is taking portraits of families on their porches to raise money for more PPEs or a teacher who is hand delivering schoolwork to her students to keep them from getting behind. There are good stories out there. Look for them. Seek them out. Choose to find the good.
If you know of a person or group who is doing good things during this pandemic send me an email and I will include their story in a future blog.
It will be a “Whole New World.” I am hoping it is a brighter one. And you are welcome for the ear worm.
We are in this together and we will get through it together.