How does depression impact a person’s spirituality?

How does depression impact a person’s spirituality?  The person may have feelings of fear, hopelessness, and isolation.  Some depressed people feel that they have lost their faith.  They ask, “I am so afraid I believe I have I lost my faith!”  Dark clouds close in around the hopeless soul.  It’s like a turbulent Sea of Galilee when the disciples were afraid that they might perish.  They woke Jesus up. He calmed the storm saying, “Peace, be still.” 


The depressed have a sinking feeling that something is wrong with them.  Fear begins to sink the boat they are in.  Sometimes they cover up their fear acting as if it does not exist. The Fall, in Genesis 3, establishes the source of original sin, and humanity’s seed of rebellion.  God seeks out the man asking, “Where are you?”  “The man replied, “I heard your sound in the garden; I was afraid because I was naked, and I hid myself Genesis 3:10 (CEB).” However, it is my opinion that a depressive disorder is not exclusively caused by the ailing person’s sin.  Genesis 3 reflects present distorted world in which we live in today, and how this world can strike hurtful blow to our fragile souls.  God desires to redeem humanity and revive the soul.  God seeks to have a relationship with people who feel lost and afraid.  God’s prevenient grace open the door for a person with depression to address the fear residing within while they are still in their dark place. God does hear your cry for help!  That’s how much God loves you! 


Another question a depressed person might ask, “If God is good, why does God allow me to suffer?” Depression creates an uncertainty about God’s goodness and lovingkindness. When the mind is full of doubt, the soul begins to ache.  The soul seeks relief and comfort.   


Eliminating suffering at all costs is a priority in our American culture.  A person just needs to watch television for a day and count the number of drug commercials promising a cure or pain relief.  Some Christians believe that once you are saved you will not suffer another day in your life, wrong.  Another misconception that adds a ton of guilt to the depressed is that suffering manifest itself because of sin.  If a person suffers, they must have willfully sinned recently. Also, suffering might been seen as meaningless.  If suffering were meaningless, why did Jesus spend 40 days in the wilderness?  Why was Jesus harassed by mocking crowds? Why did Jesus have to face angry men waging their finger saying you can’t do that? What was the Via Delarosa all about any way?  Jesus taught humanity that you can’t avoid suffering; and most importantly you can find meaning in suffering. I believe Jesus shows us a healthy way to deal with our depression. “I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me.  In this world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world. John 16:33 (CEB).” Spiritual disciplines, by their very nature, strengthen the spiritual body through effort and action.  If you want to move out of the darkness to find yourself, love yourself, put into motion what you hear from God.    


Be encouraged! If you feel depressed and need help to guide you through this stormy time, Kurt and Annie are available at Annie King Counseling.  Visit our to learn more and/or make an appointment.  


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